Yes, it’s been quiet…but finally got back into the railroad room again this weekend! We’re having a heatwave here in the UK and we don’t have air conditioning in our houses…or layout rooms…but today I fired up the portable aircon in the layout room, and it struggled away enough to […]
LAYOUT UPDATE: Episode 18 – Electronics, Track Testing and Test Run!
Follow along as I continue the build of my N scale model railroad. In this episode I show you the electronics under the Western Avenue yard board (east end), take you through a test run of the track work and finally run a train all the way from staging right […]
NEW SERIES: Model Railroad Electronics Showcase: Episode 1
The first episode of my new series on showcasing the electronics I am using on my new model railroad, starting with my DCC Drawer. In each episode I’ll be showcasing various model railroad electronics components in use on my railroad, from basic power supplies to block detectors and signal controllers. […]
LAYOUT UPDATE: Track bus & droppers installed
Well, a few days later than planned, but only a few more droppers to connect to the track bus and all will be ready for testing on the first lower staging board. Both the track buses have been installed (one for the Metra yard, one for the freight yard), connected […]
LAYOUT UPDATE: Track feeders, switch machines, block detection
Very productive Saturday! I’ve started adding the track feeders, switch machines and block detectors to the first staging yard board. So far I have added the feeders for the detected blocks (orange for the Freight yard, and yellow for the Metra yard), installed two Digitrax BDL168 block detectors (one for […]
HELIX BUILD: Wiring and track layout – Episode 8
Follow along as I continue the build of my N scale model railroad. In this episode I complete the wiring and track laying in the helix. I explain how I did the blocks for train detection and how I wired the helix. Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel […]
Helix completed!
Productive day today – finished the wiring of my helix and connected it to the Digitrax BXP88 block detector. Successfully ran 2 shuttle schedules using Railroad & Co, testing two locos up and down the helix. Now just to wait for the first baseboard kits to arrive and I can […]
QUICK TIP #1: Make your own KATO Unitrack Unijoiner Feeders
Quick and easy tip to make your own KATO Unitrack Unijoiner Feeders – why spend lots of money on buying Unijoiner Feeders when you can make your own in minutes..follow along and see how easy it is.