Follow along as I continue the build of my N scale model railroad. In this short episode I give you an update on the latest scenery progress. I thought I’d just do a video showing the current progress rather than lots of small ones trying to catch up. Hoping to […]
VIDEO UPDATE: Programming the ScaleTrains N Scale SD40 2 to work better with the Protothrottle
The ScaleTrains N Scale SD40-2 is a great runner, but it is even better when paired with a Protothrottle! In this tutorial I show you how to program the SD40-2 using the ESU LokProgrammer to work even better with the Protothrottle, slowing down the speed and matching the thottle notching […]
VIDEO LAYOUT UPDATE: Warehouses, vacant lots & houses
Follow along as I continue the build of my N scale model railroad. In this short episode I give an introduction to the first scenic area on my layout, along 16th St. & Wood St., with a warehouse, vacant lot and a couple of houses.
VIDEO LAYOUT UPDATE: Adding signals to the CATS CTC dispatcher panel
In this video I show you how I add the signals to the CATS CTC dispatcher panel and give you a demonstration on how it works.
VIDEO LAYOUT UPDATE: Connecting the Signals
In this video I show you how I connect the signal heads on my Showcase Miniatures Signal Bridge to the Digitrax TSMK connectors and via ribbon cable to the Digitrax SE8C Signal Controller.
LAYOUT UPDATE: Happy New Year!
Well, as 2022 comes to a close (in a little over 4 hours for us in the UK), here’s wishing everyone a very Happy New Year! To end off the year, here is my first finished signal bridge from Showcase Miniatures! N scale can be challenging at times, but thankfully […]
LAYOUT UPDATE: Track painting
This weekend I started painting the track, the first step of the scenery process. I started by spraying the two lower staging yards with Krylon Camouflage spray paint. I find this gives a good base to the sleepers and the rails. I’ll follow this by painting the rails and tie […]
LAYOUT UPDATE: Western Avenue Yard complete!
Well, it’s finally happened – I’ve finished all the wiring and trackwork for the Western Avenue Yard (see photo below). This now means, as promised…I can start the scenery for this section! I’ll start with the residential area first, adding the streets and houses (might have to kitbash or scratchbuild […]
LAYOUT UPDATE: Holiday project
Just a small project while on holiday, but every little counts! Unfortunately I don’t have any paints with me, so this is as far as I can get, but a little progress is something!
LAYOUT UPDATE: Signal Bridge
I recently received a few of the new Showcase Miniatures Modern Signal Bridges, essential for any modern layout. I’m almost finished the build of my first one (still have to add the signals), but so far am very impressed!